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Open education, copyright and open licensing in a digital world (LiDA103) is one of four micro-courses for Learning in a digital age. This micro-course will enable you to harness the potential of open education in pursuit of your own learning goals while adhering to the requirements of copyright in a digital world. You will learn to effectively apply knowledge of copyright, open licensing and license remix compatibility utilising open education practices to support tertiary learning in a global digital context.

Learning in a digital age micro-courses

There are four micro-courses which make up Learning in a digital age:

Course description Micro-course learning materials EduBit links
LiDA101 Digital literacies for online learning EduBit micro-credential
LiDA102 Digital citizenship Edubit micro-credential
LiDA103 Open education, copyright and open licensing in a digital world Edubit micro-credential
LiDA104 Critical media literacies and associated digital skills Edubit micro-credential

Open education, copyright and open licensing in a digital world (LiDA103) comprises about 40 hours of learning effort made up of about 20 -25 hours of online learning with the balance spent on preparing the final assessment for those learners seeking certification.

Reviewing the course guide

We recommend that you scan through the course guide before commencing your learning journey.

The course guide contains:

  1. The course learning outcome and list of course objectives
  2. The syllabus where you will find the sessions, dates and links to the learning materials and learning challenges. You can also access the syllabus from the “Syllabus” button on the course homepage.
  3. A list of learning challenges
  4. Recommended resources